Added a craftable Area Denial Weapon that can turn a room into a "flash" freezer (-270 degrees celsius). Fire Ant power armor that is extremely heat resistant and should be almost fire-proof Craftable and stuffified vanilla power armor. 3 new weapons: A flamer, an Anti-Materiel rifle (craftable, needs resource from Nappa mod) and a high explosive variant (also craftable) 5 new turrets (4 which utilize the mechanoid weaponr and one that uses a flamer) New ways of disposing of the bagged corpses (butchering, organ harvesting, mass graves) Make the bodybag show whose inside of it. Added bonus: No need to strip corpses before bagging them, as this is done during the bagging process. They also support roofs The bodybags stack up to 5 per tile. 7 Bodybag storage containers, ranging from single (1x1) to double large (4x2). A morgue slab where you can put corpses in bodybags, so they don't affect colonists mood. A recipe to create bodybags at the tailor bench (Nappa-leather dependant)

Added a freezer unit that turns a storage room into a freezer at -5 degrees celsius without the need foor exhaust vents Added bonus: The racks support roofs, so you can build a warehouse the size of New York if you want to. A ceiling light, so you can light up that dark/dampy storage room 7 Storage racks ranging from single (1x1) to double large (4x2)

If you only want this, download it from here: Added bonus: I also added a more economic comms-station so it actually fits in a room! (As opposed to fitting a room around them.) 2 recipes in which you could utilize these metals (and a bit of nappa) 3 recipes for the smelter to create metals that have actual armoring properties 3 apparel recipes for the tailoring bench to use this new leather (or any other textile) A Nappa crafting table, so you can craft it Nappa-leather, a more generic type of leather made from different types of leather. Pictures say more than a thousand words they say so I'll start with those: This pack is composed of 4 mods I've been working on for the last few days,īut I'll just start with adding the link to the package before I elaborate. Maybe some greenhouse stuff or whatever I can think of with the new things that have been added to the game. Now I'm getting back on track to start working again on some ideas I had when I started with this stuff. It's been awhile but now my mods are updated to the latest version As my old post went outdated, I'll put it up again in releases, fully updated and all